Substantive Editing & Proofreading Services with Quality Assurance
Substantive Editing
Manuscript Formatting
Manuscript Pre-submission Review
Figure Formatting
PhD Thesis Editing
Internationally Recognized Subject Experts with a Doctoral Degree in the Respective Subjects
Ensure 100% of acceptance of a level of English
Ensure Appropriate Tone and Language Rules
Edit or Eliminate repetition and ambiguity
Ensure Logical flow and Organization of Ideas

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We Edit every type of Academic / Business Document
Research Articles
Grant Applications
Conference papers
Research Brevia
Internship reports
Business Proofreading
Website Editing
Blog Editing
Substantive Editing & Proof Reading
Common reasons why articles submitted to academic journals are sometimes rejected include low-quality English, poor logical flow, and organization of ideas. That is why it is essential to make sure that your work is perfected to the maximum extent possible before submitting it. The task would be challenging for authors whose first language is not English. Understanding this, Visagaa Editing offers substantive editing services.
Substantive editing or Structural editing is about the deep focus on the content from the title through to the ending. It involves focusing everything from the creative restructuring of sentences, grammar check, eliminating repetition, redundancy, ambiguity, and presenting the work logically with better organization of ideas.